Weekend Mass Registration
Dear St. Martin de Porres Family,
We are pleased to announce that the celebration of Sunday Mass in the church building is resuming on February 21st, 2021. In order to keep everyone healthy, we will be adhering to social distancing guidelines put in place by the Diocese of Buffalo, New York State and the CDC. We will also be cleaning all pews, bathrooms, and touch surfaces before and after every Mass held in the church.
For the immediate future, to ensure the safety of everyone in attendance, we will be limiting the number of people who can attend Mass in the church. We are instituting a sign up process to monitor the number of people who will be in attendance. If you and/or your family would like to attend Mass in person, you are asked to sign up each week, so that we can monitor the number of people who will be in attendance. If the number of registered people for a specific Mass exceeds the number of people we can safely hold in the church building, we will work to alternate who is attending on a weekly basis, so that all who want to attend can do so as capacity allows.
Mass via Zoom has been discontinued. You can live stream Mass via our Facebook page or view on this sites homepage under "Our Facebook Feed".
There are 2 ways to register for a Mass:
Method #1, by calling the Parish office and proving the date(s) you would like to register for, and the number of people who will be attending.
Method #2, by filling out the registration form below.
Please note, it is required that everyone attending Mass wear a face mask and maintain at least 6 feet of distance from other parishioners.
Additionally, please register for each Mass no later than Thursday at 2PM.
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