Parish Life
St Martin De Porres prides itself on a true family environment and that is shown throughout the different ministries of the church. Each ministry has a head who often has served and been a member of St Martin's for years! Each ministry does different social outings for its members along with different fundraisers for the church. St Martin's is a family and everyone contributes to the good of the church.
All are welcome to join any ministry they like by reaching out to the head of that particular ministry and members are welcome to be involved in several.
Bereavement Committee
The Bereavement Committee assists families to plan funeral and memorial masses or other homegoing services held at St. Martin de Porres. The Committee also coordinates the planning of a post-service repast when needed.
This ministry is coordinated by Carol Cole and Lanette Jennings.

Bible Study
Bible Study is a group of adults meeting each week to develop a deeper understanding of God’s Holy Word through prayer, discussion, and reflection.
Bible Study is held on Tuesday's at 7:00 pm.

Booster Club/Van Ministry
The purpose of our Booster Club/Van Ministry is to unite all parishioners to support programs or activities designed to raise funds to maintain the upkeep of our church van. The van is a vital necessity for many in our church, namely for those who are elderly, physically challenged, or without transportation, who want to come to weekly Sunday masses or participate in other church functions.
For more information, contact Helen Smith Porter at (716) 906-7973.

Finance & Development Council
The Finance & Development Council oversees Parish finances and building structural and development matters. The Council, along with Parish Trustees, ensure the parish is operating with the financial resources it needs to provide programs and services to parishioners and the community at-large.
Coordinated by Lanette Jennings and Rodney Richardson

Holy Name Society
The Holy Name Society is the popular name for the Confraternity of the Most Holy Names of God and Jesus. It is fundamentally and essentially a spiritual organization for Catholics - lay and religious, whose purpose is to give honor to the Most Sacred Names of God and Jesus. The men that comprise the St. Martin de Porres Holy Name Society meet the second Saturday of each month.
For more information, call or text HNS Secretary Terry Alford at (716) 435-0258, or email him at terry.alford1@outlook.com

Medical Response Guild
The Medical Response Guild — also known as the Parish Medical Emergency Team — is a team of parishioners who are trained first responders or who are medically certified from an accredited college or university, who volunteer to bring critical health care expertise to parishioners in immediate need at masses or during church activities and events.
For more information, contact Laurie Alford at (330) 240-9306, or email her at lbrownc@kent.edu

Parish Pastoral Council
The purpose of the St. Martin de Porres Parish Pastoral Council is to foster full participation of the entire parish in the life and mission of our parish, in the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. This 14-person body, comprised of duly elected parishioners who serve at least two-year terms along with parish staff, meets the third Saturday afternoon of each month.
For more information, call or text Council Secretary Rebekah Mingo at (716) 348-0481, or email her at mingr80@gmail.com

Prayer Group
The Prayer Group consists of Parishioners gathering to pray for the needs of our community, city, the world, and the St. Martin de Porres Parish Community.
Prayer Group is held on Tuesday's at 6:00 pm.
This ministry is coordinated by Nikkei Goodwin.

The St. Martin de Porres Trustees are church members, appointed by the Pastor, who assume responsibility for the
handling of most financial aspects of the operation of the church. Trustees are members of the Finance & Development Council.
Current Trustees are Cynthia Matthews and Rodney Richardson.

Women's Guild
St. Martin de Porres Women's Guild is the parish organization that represents Catholic women living within the confines of our parish. Its purpose is to promote Christian living and service in our parish, to foster the spiritual development of the women of the parish, and to provide opportunities for friendship. Members of the Women’s Guild meet the first Saturday of each month.
For more information, contact Guild President Deborah Jones at (716) 435-1392, or email at djones2524@yahoo.com

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